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Can You Buy A New Car Without A Driving Licence?

buy new car in sydney
Posted On May 16 2019

MasterCashForCar contacted the different roads and traffic authorities around NSW, Australia who confirmed that you do not need a driving licence to buy a car in Sydney, AUS.

In New South Wales a spokesperson for the RMS said that there is no road transport rule or policy requirement to have a driving licence to purchase an auto and that one wasn’t needed to transfer the registration either.

Read More: Financially Savvy When Buying a Car

Australia’s states and territories have to vary the procedure for transferring proprietorship, and while a driving licence isn’t required, it’s vital that new holder follow the correct processes.

In NSW, for example, within 14 working days of receiving a registered vehicle, the previous holder must submit an intimation of disposal, and the new vehicle buyer must then pay a move fee, stamp duty and secondary costs.

The new vehicle owner must also show documents of identity and verified documents of registration claim – such as a paper of sale, receipt, tax statement or auto dealer sales contract.

There’s a hold. Well, it’s not a catch, but you should be informed: once you hold the car and registered in your name and all other verified documents you will be sent the penalties for whoever happens to manage it.